Saturday, January 17, 2009

sisters from different misters

I got to see Ether this weekend. YAY!! Kaia and Ripley met for the first time. Ripley was such a sweetie, like a good big sister she reached out for Kaia's hand. *Heart melts*


slogspot said...

So so so so so damn cute! I had millions of hearts popping out of my head.

I'm so glad I got to see you this weekend. I miss the hell out of you! I can't wait until you move back to the bay area for good.


Jessika said...

Ack--I'm so jealous. Maevyn would have been beside herself with all of the little babies around. Hey--I just realized that they can start the Girls Club of the next generation. Umm... that's scary. Do we want them doing the same stuff we did?